If You're Suffering with Nagging Sciatica That Makes You Reach for the Pain Killers & Stops You From Doing What You Love...

We Can Help!

Are you suffering from sciatica and looking for a specialist to help you get better?”

The good news is this: We help people with sciatica to solve the underlying problem and get relief every single week… Even if they’ve been told nothing can be done!

Ready to find out the ROOT CAUSE of your Sciatica?

Stubborn sciatica
won't go way?

Learn some of Will Harlow's best expert tips for getting rid of stubborn sciatica that keeps you awake and stops you living life to the fullest.
In the guide we explore:
- Why you might have developed back pain
- What you can do to fix it
- How to stop it from coming back!

Does this sound like you?

Did you develop searing pain in your leg one day, completely out of the blue? Maybe it started as a bit of back ache, but then you developed leg pain too…

Now you’re struggling to walk more than 100 yards without needing to sit down? If so, you’re probably worried about where it’s come from… or worried that it’s going to get worse!

The good news is this: You're not alone and our Farnham Sciatica Specialists help people with this exact problem all the time...
Ready to find out the ROOT CAUSE of your Sciatica?

A few things to know about sciatica...

1. Sciatica CAN get better

Many people we meet have been told that they just have to accept sciatica now… As if this is the way it has to be. We want to tell you today that this is NOT true, and in the presence of the right conditions, sciatica DOES get better. 

2. It’s often not that you have done anything wrong!

Most people believe that their sciatica started because they’ve “lifted something badly” or “twisted in the wrong way”. This isn’t true – usually, sciatica comes about because of a long-standing weakness or problem, rather than one isolated incident. So don’t worry, you haven’t done anything wrong!

3. Pain killers won’t fix the problem, only mask it

Most of our clients hate nothing more than having to reach for the pain killers. We totally agree that harmful pain killers shouldn’t be the long-term option, and that’s why all our methods are 100% natural.

4. Treatment for sciatica SHOULDN’T be painful!

Almost everyone that comes to see us has had a bad experience with another healthcare provider… Being put in MORE pain than when they started. Our treatment WON’T do this – we treat sciatica in a very specific way, making it extremely unlikely that you’ll walk out worse (in fact, most people feel a bit better after the FIRST session!)

5. It’s very difficult to get effective sciatica treatment on the NHS

The level of care and attention that you’ll likely receive on the NHS for your sciatica problem is more than likely going to be nowhere near enough to get you better naturally. You also won’t find the techniques we use in the NHS – and will most likely just get a sheet of exercises. 

Free Discovery Visit

Come and meet us in person to check whether we can solve your problem. You can apply for a free 30-min consultation below:

Free Telephone Consultation

We understand that sometimes you just need to speak to an expert first before deciding your next steps. You can do exactly that below:

Enquire About a Consultation

Our Initial Assessments with treatment are the quickest way to get started here at HT Physio. Enquire about cost & availability below:

Currently suffering with sciatica? Here are 5 things you can do TODAY to help!

1. Avoid taking too much rest

Have you ever been told to rest after an injury? With sciatica, rest will usually make your symptoms worse, even though this sounds counter-intuitive!

2. Make a plan for getting better

Most people just do nothing when they get sciatica, hoping it will go away on its own. The fact is, it often doesn’t… and you need a plan laid out to get better before it gets worse!

3. Choose the right exercises

Exercises are an essential part of a recovery from sciatica. However, it’s really easy to choose the wrong ones and make your symptoms worse! Speak to one of our physio’s on the phone today who can advise you. 

4. Get highly effective hands-on treatment

Hands-on physio is incredibly effective at treating sciatica! You might not get this type of treatment on the NHS. It has been shown to be incredibly effective for sciatica alongside a proper exercise programme.

5. Take our 100% free Sciatica Guide

Our guide “Expert Secrets for Sciatica Pain Relief” is currently free and you can take it today and get started at home!

Download our FREE Sciatica Pain-Relief Guide

start getting relief at home…

Stubborn sciatica won't go way?

Learn some of Will Harlow's best expert tips for getting rid of stubborn sciatica that keeps you awake and stops you living life to the fullest.
In the guide we explore:
- Why you might have developed back pain
- What you can do to fix it
- How to stop it from coming back!

“For me, huge relief from ongoing sciatica and hip bursitis, I can’t thank HT Physio (and Lucy) enough. Lovely calm surroundings with charming and efficient people - and that of course includes the clever and delightful Will!”

Brenda B, Surrey

How can a sciatica expert at HT Physio help you get better?

Free Discovery Visit

Come and meet us in person to check whether we can solve your problem. You can apply for a free 30-min consultation below:

Free Telephone Consultation

We understand that sometimes you just need to speak to an expert first before deciding your next steps. You can do exactly that below:

Enquire About a Consultation

Our Initial Assessments with treatment are the quickest way to get started here at HT Physio, enquire about cost & availability below:

Getting you back to the things you love